always annoyed


At the second my eyes open
From that piercing crying sound
It can't be that time again
My feet aren't ready to touch ground

So it begins, a brand new day
Of being annoyed all of the time
I seek that first sip feeling
Mornings are not this mama's prime

Brushing teeth all by themselves
Means cutting corners through the chore
They're fine with fuzzy monsters
Living inside of their mouths’ door

Honey, would you please brush your hair?
You’re a direct reflection, you see
I appreciate that you don’t care, but 
When they see you, they also see me

My arms are tired, hands are full
Why do infant car seats weigh a ton?
No engineering marvels
Have come along to fix this one

Inside the car, it's screaming
When the sun is barely up
Mama's patience is not high
Since I haven't had one cup

At last! A Timmies in my hand
Mama's been waiting for those beans
The best two bucks I'll spend all-day
Is on their new dark roast caffeine

The magic inside coffee
Makes the days easier to face
Annoyed barometer dips a bit
So that all day I can keep pace

How is it that my kids can
Be at the centre of my life
I only want what's best for them
And to be a supportive wife

So why then is this mama
So annoyed all of the time?
In rushes all that mom guilt
But I suppose that's why there's wine

Jill Moysiuk