it takes a village to raise a child


When a child is born
The cosmos encounter a shift
And we’re reminded a womb
Holds in it the world's greatest gift

It does not make a difference
If a child is yours or it’s mine
Kids require community
To ensure a life that’s aligned

If we wish for them to thrive
And there’s no doubt we all want that
Children must form other bonds
To face all of life’s habitats

There is no splendid flower
That can exist with only one
Ingredient to flourish
And grow up toward the sun

Kindergarten teachers,
Grandparents, neighbours, mentors
Shop owners, family friends
Play a role in cracking doors

Adults may not realize
That we are being looked up to
And therefore, may not grasp
That this or that can stick like glue

If a child is in your life
They are fortunate and blessed
If you demonstrate compassion
And in their future, you invest

If we want children to be
Successful, self-assured adults
Those who display kindness
And can disregard insults

Then we must be for all kids
A trusted grownup to look to
So much so that if they’re lost
Children feel safe coming to you

Jill Moysiuk