one day, someday


One day you won't need mama's help
With annoying zippers and bootstraps
Will claim a seat to yourself
But for right now it's on my lap

Someday we may have coffee
Or share a glass of tea or wine
But while you are an infant
On mama's breast is where you dine

There may be a day that comes
When I am forced to steal your kiss
But today you share them freely
And there's not a sloppy kiss I've missed

May very well come a day
That our home is quiet and still
Currently, it's rambunctious
Full of cries, laughing, and spills

One day you may not need mom
To kiss away all of your tears
But you not needing me
Is one of mama's greatest fears

Someday in the future
Perhaps sooner than I would like
You may defend a speeding fine
And I'll miss the days of riding bikes

Nowadays you crawl on me
A hand or foot right in my face
Later on that may translate
To you putting me in my place

Each stage brings complications
Balanced by sweet moments of pride
Some days mama is beaming
When other days I want to hide

Although I romanticize
About a time I can be free
I am certain I will miss
The wild times with you and me

For now, as I watch you grow
I'll do my best to guide you through
Things will get tough, there is no doubt
But sweetie hard times are what shape you

There's so much that's transpired
Also so much left to occur
And I'm not sure that I could choose
Which of those mama prefers

There is one thing that I do know
That is, you'll always be with me
Time or distance cannot divide
My pride and joy you'll always be

Jill Moysiuk