playdates at the park
Park dates seem like a good idea
And that is because mama will see
Another mom she's fond of
Grown-up conversation soon will be
Texts are exchanged throughout the week
The pair are thrilled they will catch up
One mom is excited to vent
The other, about her family's new pup
Two crews arrive at the park
With minivans jam-packed with zest
Doors slide open, the kids dash out
Towards the park and all its guests
The moms swap a hug and a, “Hey, girl!”
After that, it’s the wild, wild west
The children scream and scatter
And mom's excitement turns to stress
The small ones dart straight toward the road
Older kids climb the tallest trees
Both moms attempt to keep their cool
As they sweat and referee
Loads of kids are at the park
Also grownups who are strangers
The ladies do their best to chat
While keeping kids away from danger
When the two acquire a moment
To sum up one complete story
There’s a cry that’s heard for miles
And mom's attention is mandatory
A scraped knee for one young fawn
Requires a Bandaid from the van
The other mom’s tasked to keep watch
Over the crew the best she can
Returning, the pair try once more
To complete a conversation
Pretending they’re not exhausted,
Annoyed, and filled with frustration
That is when a heap of kids
Who present like a swarm of bees
Circle around the moms and ask
For food and drinks, minus the 'please'
The Snack Bitches know their role
Doling out cheese strings and Bear Claws
They even remembered water bottles
The kind that have the built-in straws
The moms are tired but cannot sit
They have a circus to corral
So after five more minutes
Give in to two defeated morales
“OK, guys, let’s wrap it up!”
"We'll meet again next week!"
Both moms aware that is a lie
But play along to add mystique
What a ducking shit show, hey?!
Texting later to each other
Next time we meet it’s over wine
And guest list includes only the mothers