I’m a stay-at-home-mom
Perhaps you also are?
Appears we are the lucky ones
Since it's the world's best job by far
It’s assumed we have it good
Since we watch Netflix all day long
We sleep when the baby sleeps
Play fun games, even sing songs
Stay-at-home moms also have
All that precious free time on our hands
To check off all the ‘extras’
That life often demands
There are six hours in a day
With just me and the youngest home
Which may seem like enough time
For he and I to go and roam
Except that everything revolves
Around eating and scheduled naps
So squeezing life in there too
Can often feel like it’s a trap
And when mama is not fixing
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, oh, and snacks
There are dishes and there are messes
And sorting laundry into stacks
Can we talk next about sleep, please?
Since I do not set an alarm
I am sure that sounds wonderful
So what could be the harm?
Sawing logs to wide awake
From screams as loud as dynamite
Why would I set an alarm
When my morning comes at night?
To function well the next day
On barely any sleep
It is a skill that all moms master
Without discussing it a peep
To complain would be selfish
The SAHM gig’s so glam!
Until the letters mix up
Because it seems more like a SHAM!
And not the kind that goes ‘wow’
Albeit it, all we seem to do is clean
Mama feels like a hot mess
When all she wants is to be seen
Now, please don’t get me wrong
I just love seeing their faces
And since I guide the homestead
I take pride in covering the bases
But you may seem to forget
That housework and chores, they ducking suck
They are boring and they are thankless
And yet, society admires my luck
But when I snuggle my babes, I know
I am a lucky gal, indeed
As their bodies mold into mine
For now, I guess it’s all I need
Just like that, the blink of an eye
Another day has come and gone
Looks like I’d better get some sleep
Since I'll be awake well before dawn