grocery shopping with kids


Solo supermarket runs
Can often be enough
To make mom feel on edge
Price tags, people, and all that stuff
Something she steers clear of
Is adding children to that mix
Grocery shopping with her kids
Is not how mama gets her kicks
There is pushing, there is shoving
Over every little thing
Then there’s grabbing from the shelves
Chips, candy, pop, gum, and icing
Mama shouting down each isle
“Put that down!” “Get over here!”
And older kids must push the cart
Into whoever’s rear is near
“Omigoodness, I’m so sorry!”
“Sweetie, please watch where you’re going!”
Mom's embarrassed, the small one cries
Her forehead sweat, now surely glowing 
Starts to grab essentials only
This means she'll miss half of the list
Not that there’s room inside her cart
Where car seats and children coexist
We make our way toward the cashier
Who warmly greet the little devils
But Samantha doesn’t realize
That they are also little rebels

The confined pathway at the checkout
A genius marketing ploy
It's where chocolate bars and breath mints 
Grab the attention of girls and boys

Then there is the button
On register belts right at the end
When pushed, the groceries travel
If stacked too high, they will descend
Onto the floor the blueberries
Erupt; the children look away
They know they’ve done it this time
Mom picks up berries and still must pay
She’s sure the world is watching
As she scrambles this hot mess
Grocery shopping with her children
Lands at the top of mama’s stress
Supermarket runs with kids
Should be avoided at all costs
If not, then later on
Mom should be allowed to hit the sauce

Jill Moysiuk