hello, spring!
Hello, spring, we have missed you!
It is so good to have you back
We have waited impatiently
Poor winter has received some flack
We welcome your gentle breeze
Grazing our sweet cheeks with a whirl
Colourful buds begin to pop
Like an oyster reveals its pearl
Easter Bunny makes her way
Into our homes like Old Saint Nick
Leaving a mess of chocolate eggs
Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and chicks
Spring puddles are everywhere!
Moms plead with kids not to jump in
But the children, they know better…
Hopping in two feet with a spin!
Those with a green thumb are found
In their gardens, full of dirt
As soon as the nice weather hits
We ditch our jackets for a shirt
Children pick the freshest flowers
Even when mom asks them not to
Been months since the yard looked nice
Yet, sweet blooms meet their nose like glue
Spring, one day you look act winter
The next, a midsummer's day
The sun may shine or snow may fall
Raindrops can turn the whole sky grey
Every single thing screams change
The kind we all look forward to
Your promise to arrive each year
Is oftentimes what helps us through
Spring, you give us all the feels
Fresh air brings a fresh perspective
If only we could maintain that vibe
Keeping your calm as a collective