to heathcare heroes, with love
It surely was not long ago
When things seemed as they should
To know what we had coming next
There is no way we ever could
Handshakes have become head nods
Rooms have quieted with fear
Each trip we make has purpose
From each other we steer clear
Hugs are on hiatus
When the world needs them the most
No celebrations with loved ones
Or raising glasses for a toast
Business meetings have been canceled
School and playdates are on pause
A world filled with uncertainty
All connected to this cause
Confined and nestled in our homes
Is how most of us can serve
Slowly getting through each day
With hopes of flattening the curve
Staying home is what will help
That is what the experts say
No physical contact in order
To make the virus go away
As we identify with these new times
Making sense of this 'curve ball'
Healthcare heroes around the globe
Are facing COVID for us all
They show up for every shift
Working overtime, indeed
Fearful, anxious, exhausted
As they handle public need
I did not think I signed up for this
Is surely what they often think
With the unpredictability
Their mental health hangs on the brink
Sadness and doubt must fill their days
When they are trying to be strong
While hugging coworkers who are also friends
Has never felt so wrong
Their days still filled with problem-solving
Now with extra, added care
But not helping their neighbours
Is something they simply can not bear
So many times now we have heard
So many people say
I could never do the job they do
No matter how much I was paid
They are exposed at every turn
Now just part of their career
Their spirits likely broken
Since the end is nowhere near
Who is it that they turn to
As their own bodies are put to test
How do they explain to family
That going to work right now is best?
To healthcare workers around the world
We hope that you all know
The rest of us owe you our lives
Our grateful hearts are overflown
We are thinking of you all
We hope the universe can hear
The cries for help from each inch on earth
As we all bask in this fear
Please know the work you're doing
Is of the Superhero kind
Where capes have turned to scrubs instead
And your courage weighs on our minds
Please stay strong for all of us
That is something you may hear now and then
Since you are the world's only hope
Of a bright future once again