i feel like i've done nothing today


I am not sure why it is
Moms often feel we’ve done nothing
When on any given day, there is
A to-do list that’s in full swing

The items that appear are those
Things written only in our head
The chores we would love to forget
But they are must be dones instead

In the morning it’s important
The children practice good hygiene
Hair combed, teeth brushed, handwashing too
Fresh clothes, small faces cleaned

Lunches packed, tiny mouths fed
It’s time to haul them off to school
Sidenote: it’s not even 9am
And why mom needs a quick retool

The shake-up comes in the form of
Coffee that hits her lips just right
Thanks to that first sip feeling
Mom exhales, then feels alright

Following a long day at work
She is still not off the clock
Dinner needs preparing, and
The pantry, a restock

Extracurriculars take place
Evenings, from Monday to Saturday
Girl Guides, karate, basketball
Ballet, swimming, art class; they play

Mom throws in a load of laundry
Which waits in the washing machine
For longer than intended, but
A double spin ensures they’re clean

There’s the helping with their homework
Signing permissions slips and tests
Tomorrow, Spirit Day at school
Requiring a certain dress

A quick email to the teacher
To let them know your child has
An eye appointment the next day
They’ll be picked up, and all that jazz

Dirty dishes from the morning
Coupled with dinner's giant mess
May make mom feel overwhelmed
Along with motherhood comes stress

Whole house needs to be tidied up
But first it’s bath, then books, then bed
And after all those things are done?
Forget coffee, it’s wine instead

Jill Moysiuk