it takes a village to support a mom


Whichever way a mama turns
Right from the time the lines turn blue
She starts to second-guess herself
Because her baby has no clue

Every mother feels as though
She needs to make the best choices
But endless options mean
Her mind is crammed with new voices

Sometimes, mom may need support
But is too embarrassed to ask
Day in day out, she plows forward
Hoping no one peaks behind her mask

Mom may seek reinforcement
That she is doing a good job
From humans she has never met
On Instagram or a mom blog

Support can come from strangers
Or one’s closest fam and friends
A check-in from a neighbour
Even sweet comments can help mend…

A mom whose heart feels heavy
Or a 'mom brain' that's all clogged up
Because gentleness from others
Can help refill a mamas cup

There are about a million ways
To support a mom that’s dear to you
Each requires different things
But often, the simplest thing will do

Carpooling to an event
Can spare one mom loads of time
While hand-me-down clothing and toys
Help a young fam live on a dime

She'd love to run an errand
Without her wild, rowdy crew
Perhaps she needs a haircut
Or helping hand to stir the stew

Maybe mama needs some time
To give herself a proper bath
Dishes are likely piled up
The homestead always feels short-staffed

The next time you see a mom
Who looks as though she needs a break
Hold the door, pay her some praise
It is her day that you will make

Jill Moysiuk