Feeling swamped with all the things
Due to a never-ending list
She needs some time just to herself
Or mama bear will become pissed!
Name it whatever you prefer:
Brain break, me-time, or self-care
No matter how it’s referred
It’s mama’s chance to clear the air
A fun night out with girlfriends
Or a quiet day at the spa
A refreshing walk in the woods
Or home alone without a bra
A few hours to herself
Can oftentimes change everything
A seemingly unpleasant day
Can encounter an upswing
Things become more clear when mom
Spends just a little time away
A bit of focus on herself
Means she keeps the stress at bay
Soon enough, when mom returns
The home will have a fresh new vibe
And the pep in mama’s step
Uplift the spirits of her tribe
It is almost guaranteed
That if afforded some me-time
Her hugs will become tighter
And mom will feel much more aligned