school lunches


All moms master different things
Some pack school lunches before bed
But if mama is a fool
They're made in the morning instead

Schooldays quickly come and go
Five days a week, less holidays
Mom whips snacks in the kitchen
Routinely chopping life away

Although always last minute
She does her best to include
Protein, produce, h2o
A sweet treat, or there's attitude

Lunch bag choices may seem endless
But I have yet to meet a mom
Who isn't seeking new ideas
About this Monday to Friday qualm

The same snacks end up on repeat
Seems that she has no other choice
Mom knows that's not the case, and yet
Duplicate screams her inner voice

Fruit and veg, crackers and cheese
Olives, pickles, a pepperette
Lunch looking like charcuterie
Just needs some wine and a baguette

Processed foods are packed with sugar
So, homemade is the way to go
Ain’t nobody got time for that though
So mama packs the status quo

That is unless it's grocery day
Those mornings, the house is lacking food
One can only guess what's packed
A smorgousbourg for mama's brood

Since she is nowhere near her babes
While they're at school eating their lunch
The packaged stuff goes down the hatch
While fruits and veg don't get a munch

After school, the lunch bag contains
Half-finished yogurt and applesauce
Sticky wrappers stuck to the sides
Into the garbage, a bomb is tossed

It’s just another thing for mom
To second guess if she is right
Unhealthy lunches equal guilt
And healthy ones mean there's a fight

Jill Moysiuk