things i (still) haven't learned as a mom
No matter the experience
I gain each day from motherhood
There are still things I haven’t learned
And these are things I likely should
When the kids and I are driving
And something neat catches my eye
I point it out a tad too late
And that is when they start to cry
If I mention there’s a playdate
Too early in the week
I make the realization that
I have just sprung a playdate leak
Kids fighting in another room
Mom can’t see what’s going down
Demands to know who started it
Means finger-pointing and two frowns
When the children make a request
And I reply with a quick 'maybe'
To them, that means I have agreed
So 'no' later makes them crazy
If we are eating dinner
And I make mention there’s dessert
The forks and spoons and veggies drop
It’s their attention I divert
I have funny feeling
As my children continue to grow
That it will only be more difficult
To have my ducklings in a row