wedding showers, baby showers
The weekend is approaching
And you are feeling really thrilled
Free to enjoy things you love
To ensure your cup's refilled
That's until you pass the fridge
Invitation catches your eye
Aloud you blurt, "OH, COME ON!"
Which is then followed by a sigh
Seems as though you overlooked
Some plans you did not want
Sue's sisters’ daughters’ shower
That damn invite becomes a taunt
Your whole weekend now revolves
Around a three hour or more ordeal
Wearing makeup, curling hair
Some decent time behind the wheel
You show up a bit nervous
With hopes that you'll know someone
Hmm…if not, do you think that
Someone will notice if you run?
Regardless of your feelings
You arrive and then you see
Some old friends and smile back
And air your recent history
They are happy to see you
The feeling's mutual as well
Start to link how you both know Sue
As you sip on Zinfandel
Finally, you relax a bit
Find your seat by great aunt Mabel
Then you get a whiff of food
And notice the dessert table
Good old-fashioned recipes
Are lined on tables ten feet long
Casseroles, cookies, and squares
Matriarch's presence sure is strong
You enjoy each bite and chit-chat
Without one single care
No kids to chase, no meals to prep
Hoping a sticker is hiding under your chair…
Sure, we say we hate the games
But we all know we love to win
Finger's crossed your birthday's match
Making YOU the host's 'birthday twin'
To ogle over towels
Is about as boring as it gets
But the chance to win a centerpiece
Have all the women hedging bets
There are oohs and there are ahhs
As we once-over all the gifts
Each of us thinking the same
That'd give my living room a nice uplift
And then there is the parting gift
Which is inevitably soap
And hey, who couldn't use
A sweet new scent like cantaloupe?
Driving home you decompress
Dwelling on the time you’ve had
Think about how lovely it was
Question why you thought it would be bad
Returning home you're ready
To take on the afternoon
As you reach inside the mailbox
A shower invite? Ugh, way too soon!