sleep deprived but still alive
Remind me please, what is sleep?
You see, it has been so damn long
We sleep so we can function?
No way, the science must be wrong!
The few hours I squeeze in
Make me feel like an old hag
I can't think or even see straight
Please don’t mind me while I brag
There’s no such thing as mom naps
With two kids, those vanished long ago
Now hair's a mess, and bags are fresh
They call these new lines feet of crow
Should have gone to bed early
The same thought torments me most morns
Choosing restful sleep or me-time
Are two options that leave me torn
Of course, this mama always makes
The wrong choice, or so it seems
I trade zzzs for something fun
Like having wine instead of dreams
I'm not sure why I forget
That matter what, and without fail
When I finally do doze off
The sleep train's soon to be derailed
She's sick and needs medicine
He's transitioning to a bed
They take turns waking me up
Passing by dad for mom instead
You see, my lovely husband sleeps
With a pillow over his head
If I’m up and down again tonight
Said pillow may be why he's dead
I crave the days when grandma says,
"How 'bout the kids sleep here tonight?"
This means I will get more than
The forty winks I got last night!