morning rush
If you think that lack of sleep
Could send you straight up to the moon
You should live through morning rush
Let me sing you this scary tune
Potty training boys is fun
Often, pee sprays everywhere
As mom directs the children, it’s
”Please aim that thing down there!”
Tell me that you washed your hands
OMG back upstairs we go!
"I'm hungry, what's for breakfast mom?"
Lawdy! Mama’s about to blow!
Cereal's on the table
With some fresh berries in there too
That helps mama feel better
Schucks! It's the least that I can do!
Have you guys brushed your teeth yet?
”Grab all your things, and please get dressed”
Every single school day, it seems
Mama's patience is put to test
Lunches! Shit! Forgot about that!
Should have done that chore before bed
”Here, sweetie, have half a loaf,
I mean, it's better than no bread!”
It does not seem to matter
What time the kids and I wake up
Late for school is our go-to
Last year, we won the Tardy Cup
Last-minute things are gathered
As the clock shifts towards eight forty-five
”I'd rather not be late, you guys…
Forget walking today — let's drive!”
We may just make it by the bell
Goodbye, I bid the cat adieu!
I think mom’s got this one today…
Scratch that — the baby just went poo