ten little fingers, ten little toes


Ten little fingers
Ten little toes
One happy mouth
One smelling nose

One set of ears
Another set of eyes
And if I add my bright red tongue
That my friend makes five!

My elbows are called funny bones
They don’t grow any hair
And then there are my two hard knees
One right here and one left there

I may have two long arms
And two even longer legs
But only one enormous heart
Or so my mommy says

My skin is thin with many layers
And my bones — they’re thick,
Look sort of like sticks,
And hold me all together!

My fingers each have fingernails
My toes all have them too
My eyes have long black eyelashes
They are stuck to me like glue

Inside my mouth are baby teeth
They chew my food with care
Mom says one day I’ll lose them all
And get a brand new pair

There is a brain inside my head
It’s shaped just like a bean
It makes me extra, EXTRA special
Although it can’t be seen!

There are about a thousand hairs
That rest atop my head
But today was long and packed with fun
So this body needs a bed

Jill Moysiuk