the house is always messy


There is no better feeling
Than a home that's fresh and clean
Soft and airy, sweet and light
The homestead straight-up made of dreams

An afternoon of cleaning
Will be worth it when I feel
Absolutely jazzed inside
A zest I simply can't conceal

Finished, my eyes close with pride
And then I take a deep breath in
But as I start to exhale
Dad and the kids walk in

The folded blanket becomes
A giant cape for one to wear
Bags at the door, mud through the house
Who took off their underwear?

Our girl is such a big kid now
She's even pouring her own milk
But of course the whole bag spills
Dripping deep inside each shelf

Why does no one seem to care?
I'm like the homestead bodyguard!
Please find something clean to do
Or play outside in the backyard

How the hell is the sink full
With forks, bowls, plates, and cups?
You literally just got home
”Daddy, mommy just said duck!”

How could I not? I worked so hard!
Spent my entire afternoon
Running up and down the stairs
And rinsing each and every spoon

OMG like, what the duck
Why do I even bother?
Guess who gets to clean this up?
”Kids, go run and get your father!”

Jill Moysiuk