moms night out


Every once in a while
When mom screams and she shouts
Daddy seems to take notice
And suggests a night out

But for some silly reason
Mamas have a hard time
Focusing on ourselves
Feeling like “me-time” is a crime

Eventually, we decide to
Commit to one rambunctious night
Where other mamas, too
Join in on the wild plight

But before the wet kisses
And dramatic hugs at the door
There are baths to be had
And about half a dozen chores

Moms fix up dinner real quick
Tidy up the mess, too
Help with homework, do dishes
And clean up baby's last poo

Read a story at bedtime
Since the kids make a request
And as we lie there, we think…
Duck this, I still need to get dressed

We pop up out of their bed
This is mama's big night
To step out of the homestead
Sip on a stiff drink, we just might

And find a sec to cram in
Time to straighten our hair
And layer on some bold makeup
The above feeling so rare

We meet up, all looking fine
The moms drink and we eat
Swap stories, mingle, vent
Dance together to cool beats

We will do this more often
The moms shout out lies to themselves
It feels ducking stupendous
To be alone and by ourselves

But by about 10 o'clock
Yawning gets a bit out of hand
As each mom secretly yearns
For an invisible kickstand

But that's not real, so we leave
Recognizing what’s next
Which is not sleeping in
And it is also not sex…

The effort that's required
After a big night on the town
Is not something mom's up for
"Hey babe, will you wake up and go down?"

Jill Moysiuk