the old me


The old me is a young doe
Packed with spirit and energy
My twenties hosted the best of times
Coupled with sleep for synergy

Way back in the good old days
I was the one who made the rules
A decade or so later?
Parenting's made me so uncool

There was a time that I would shout
”Bartender, make it a double!”
But my mother tongue has changed to
”Lid that marker, or you're in trouble!”

You see, I thought that having kids
Would mean that I would be the boss
But I don't even win debates
About how often my kids floss

I used to spend my money
As adults frequently do
But having kids has set me back
With free time and revenue

When I used to leave the house
I cared about what I looked like
Now when mama ventures out
It seems my style's gone on strike

I've had a new attire
Since our oldest came to be
I call it a 'mom wardrobe'
Comfy and of course, jean-free

Pilled yoga pants are edged with fur
Because our kitty sheds a lot
A dresser full of worn black Ts
Is my look more often than not

When the hubs and I were dating
I remember how we used to flirt
And now, when the kids go to bed
It takes a cyclone to lose my shirt

I wonder when this too shall pass
And freedom doesn't feel so rare
For now, though, I'll just sit here
Pulling cereal from my hair

Jill Moysiuk