

Grandparents have a way
To make the hardest days feel right
A quick call or a short visit
Can turn a mood from dark to light

When life with kids is trying
And anything could blow your top
Grandma and Grandpa will appear
And the lid loosens before it pops

It seems as though the kids know too
When mom and dad just need a break
And so they move toward Nan and Pop
Perhaps they'll help them bake that cake

Grandparents remain present
When they are with the little ones
Singing songs or reading books
Always engaged and having fun

Grandparents are often generous
Not just with gifts but with time too
There’s no such thing as too much stuff
Happy grandkids; their favourite view

Grandparents have more patience
And they do not become irate
They let children have their bursts
Knowing full well it's not their fate

An unconditional love
Coupled with solid foundations
Means children know where they can turn
Without fear or intimidation

Grandparents are empathetic
Seeing the world through children's eyes
Embracing life's great circle
With newfound wonder as their prize

The best grandparents make room
For their children to be adults
They may have done things differently
Yet, bonds are strengthened as a result

Three generations of warmth
Woven with love and wrapped up tight
Grandparents dote over your baby
With all of their grandparent might

Jill Moysiuk