grandparents (part ii)
We know grandparents are swell
But after one day at their place?
Parents must remind kids of rules
Until we’re both blue in the face
When I tell my six-year-old
She cannot have that chocolate treat
She asks when she'll see Gram next
And could care less she's not discreet
If our wee boy screams and shouts
Throwing a tantrum in a store
He will yell for his best buds
Knowing that they would buy him more
Grandparents have poor memories
About the food they used to serve
I ate the things on my plate
Wouldn't dare get on mom's last nerve
Now for breakfast Grandma presents
Star pancakes with sprinkles on the top
And if they don't eat dinner?
Here, Sweetie — have a lollipop!
Sleepovers mean that kids stay up
Much later than their mom used to
And discipline? There is none!
At Granddad's house, nothing's taboo!
They'll search the ends of the earth
For very specific toys
And if the children don't say thanks?
It’s, "Shh! Do not ruin their joy!”
Who are these strange new people?
Who, growing up gave me the gears!
It seems they will do anything
To keep their grandchildren from tears
I picture the day my role
Will flip from Bad Cop to Good Cop
And no amount of candy
Is considered over the top
I'll break rules with a smile
"Oh, it's fine!" will be on repeat
And when my grownup kids complain?
I'll remind them — Gram's in the driver's seat!