

Toddlers , they can be the worst
But they can also be the best
Leave it to these little shits
To put your patience to the test

They wake up ready to rock
I hope you're prepared for the show
It's go-time, are you strapped in?
Forget about morning hellos

They want their milk or something
And you had better get to it
There's no time for lollygag
Or they are sure to have a fit

The cries they make are booming
Putting wee infants to shame
’Cause they know if they cry louder
Adults will cave in hopes to tame

They sure think they run the show
And as it turns out, they are right
Empty threats begin right here
It's when we start losing our fights

They're not able to reason
And yet somehow they make the rules
Tantrums in a public place
Are bound to make mom out a fool

The way they run is funny
Sometimes the way they walk is too
In fact, there’s something amusing
About most of the things they do

Their kisses, always sloppy
Which means they're nothing but the best
Hugs like mushy marshmallows
Your shoulder becomes their headrest

Asleep they look like newborns
Awake, sometimes like small adults
Their mood can swing from pleasant
To the world's most difficult

You are their private hilltop
Because all over you they climb
Your face turns into plaster
Small hands mauling you like slime

They will eat most anything
That you plop down onto their plate
And they're still easy to carry
Because they're nimble and lightweight

They say brand new things daily
Their vocabulary soars
Few new words a day sometimes
Perhaps they're ready for some chores?

They love their baths and story time
Just like a sponge, they soak it up
Nighttime, often a gamble
"Get back in bed, my little pup!"

You spend your days teaching them
All that is right and all that's wrong
By bedtime you're exhausted
But find the time for a sweet song

Toddlers are a reminder
Of just how quickly children grow
Not long ago, small babies
And soon it's off to school they'll go

Just like that, you are a healer
A gentle kiss can mend boo-boos
But the best thing about toddlers
Is when they say, "I love you too!"

Jill Moysiuk