

Our lives are ever changing
Drifting from one thought to the next
Last decision maybe easy
While the next one leaves you perplexed

It seems to me that as we grow
Older, into ourselves
We understand life more and more
As lessons learned could fill bookshelves

Infants know their mother's face
Also her touch, her smell, her sound
Connecting mom to comfort
Unspoken promise that's profound

Little children learn to trust
Assuming everyone's their friend
But if a bond is tarnished
Small hearts and minds will need to mend

Teenagers test out freedom
And all that comes along with it
Hormones turn things upside down
A hectic world may suck them in

Young adults form relationships
Assuming they will always last
But in time learn the best are those
That do not quickly come to pass

Adults seek another soul
To connect with for eternity
But being still with ourselves
Assures we are all we ever need

As we settle into life
Knowing both good and bad exist
Midlife brings about changes
And things one may now insist

Respect given and received
Hard work to reach one's highest goals
Appreciating blessings
Embracing that we're growing old

Aging should be an honour
So many do not get that gift
Unique story of one’s life
Immense, like a continental drift

Each and every moment
That is once here then passes by
Is a tiny chance to grow
With mostly instinct as our guide

Being true and giving back
To ourselves and community
Will fortify our being
A life well-lived in unity

Jill Moysiuk