a best friend can


A best friend can be your crutch
When your legs feel weak and slow
She'll shield your spirit best she can
As you take each blow by blow

She'll be there when you need her
To remind you of the good
You have to offer to the world
When there's no way you ever could

When your body just feels achy
And you have hit your low of lows
She'll be gentle with your heart
As you muddle through your woes

She'll share a funny story
Be modest, listen with intent
If you feel like giving up
Somehow she'll help it all make sense

A best friend can make the noise
Seem like it's normal and okay
Staying put when others leave
Although I know that sounds cliché

Her own life will take a pause
When she knows she’s needed most
And even if she's far away
Her love and guidance feel so close

During times when you can't speak
Or even sleep, or think, or eat
She'll be there to push you through
Because she never skips a beat

If you have one of these friends
Then you should count your lucky stars
A friend who is the very best
Accepts each and every scar

A special thanks to my bestie
For all you say and all you do
Please know that I'd be lost
If my life did not have you

Jill Moysiuk